

Goannas are the largest known lizard species on Solitude and are distributed throughout warm and tropical region worldwide. These top predators move frequently between land and water, being able to travel through each with ease. They are known as terrible gluttons, and will feast on animals as large as elephants. They attack their prey with fangs containing numbing saliva and wait for them to collapse before closing in for the kill.

Paradoxically, domesticated goannas have become versatile mounts prized by many who live in arid climates or near the water. They can carry multiple riders across deserts with little need for water, or cross small lakes without stopping. Young goannas are easily tamed, leading to speculation that the siska (who first used them as beasts of burden on their origin world) had in fact domesticated the entire species. If this is true, it would mean that wild goannas are akin to feral dogs or cats - though considerably more dangerous.

Other Names: Shield Monitor

Origin: Goannas arrived with siska during their first and second migrations.

Range: Goannas roam southern Kindreth, Satra, and the Jur’ngo Isles.


Terraliths are the largest terrestrial animal on Solitude, resembling gigantic, long necked tortoises. They dwarf many other large land animals, being twice the height of a giraffe and many times the weight of an elephant. 

Despite their massive size, Terraliths are peaceful to a fault. Subsisting solely on leaves, grasses, and fruits, they have never been known to harm another creature unless in self defense. It is not uncommon for these animals (which can live for centuries) to approach towns and cities to visit people who have been kind to them. In fact, in the eyra nation of Cymee, most terraliths herds have a city or town in the center of their migration route. These settlements hold festivals celebrating their arrival . 

This celebration is one of mutual benefit as well as friendship. The eyra take the opportunity to gently harvest a unique moss that grows on the shells of their giant visitors, removing harmful parasites and half-shed scales as they do. The moss is used for a variety of purposes, including the manufacture of perfume and a certain powerful spirit. The terraliths in turn are treated to a banquet of fruit specially grown and prepared for them. They are content to let masses of eyra kits ride upon their shells and tolerate the poking and prodding of sages and researchers who take samples of their mucus and blood, which have healing properties. 

Other Names: Thunder Tortoise, Mountain Beast

Origin: Terraliths arrived during the Naz migration

Range: Satra, western Faidmiir


White Cobra

White cobras are one of the most feared animals across the southern regions of Kindreth and Torin. Nearly thirty-five feet long and with a powerful body rivaling that of the largest pythons, white cobras are capable of taking prey as large as deer, wolves, wildcats and humans. Their venom causes extreme pain and slowly paralyzes the lungs. 

Accounts of humans, eyra, elfkin, kobolds, and even small siska being eaten by this fearsome snake are not uncommon. The method of attack is often variable, with some people being ambushed by a hiding snake and others being pursued over short distances. Once bitten, most races have about five minutes before they are incapacitated. Notably, elfkin have been known to resist the venom and jur'ngans seem to be nearly immune to it. 

Once their prey has been injected with venom, the cobra will allow them to flee, pursuing at its own pace. They have been known to follow dying prey up five leagues. Despite their fearsome reputation - or perhaps because of it - white cobras are a popular symbol for military and mercenary forces across the world. 

Origin: Unknown, though druids say they arrived during one of the early human migrations

Range: Southern Kindreth, Southern Torin

Cavern Boa

Despite being a fifty foot long, near-demonic looking snake, the cavern boa is significantly less feared than other Satran wildlife. Unless it is very hungry, a full-sized cavern boa will not usually waste time hunting anything smaller than a large human - and adults rarely take eyra, thirapsi or kobolds. What’s more, juveniles, while more aggressive, usually prefer fish.

Cavern boas seem to be split into two different populations, which may in fact be different species. The first, and better known, inhabits the Azure Caverns beneath the surface of Satra. They are a dark brown to black in color with indistinct, blotchy markings. The second inhabits large waterways on the surface and has more prominent green and yellow coloration. These river-dwelling snakes are rarely seen on land, and are difficult to observe in the large, often murky waters they call home. Rumors spoken in eyra cities whisper of impossibly large cavern boas that rest at the bottom of rivers and pull down entire ships. While clearly fantasy, upon seeing a large cavern boa in the flesh, such whispers become somewhat more believable.

Other Names: Great Constrictor

Origin: Cavern boas are thought to have arrived during the fourth human migration. 

Range: Satra, tropical Kindreth, tropical Torin and Evendark