The Eyra

The Eyra: A Cultural Summary

by Jin Kreel, Daemedran Academy Scholar

Eyra are a strong competitor for the title of Solitude’s most naturally intelligent race. They tend to inhabit the warmer, wetter parts of Solitude, preferring lush forests with tall trees in which they build their towns and cities. Almost the entire continent of Satra, which is covered mostly in rainforest, is made up of eyra-ruled territory. The eyra arrived in Solitude during the Era of Migration, in three large migrations consisting of three distinct sub-races.

Eyra are Solitude’s smallest race on average, though thirapsi tend to be lighter and kobolds a little shorter. They resemble dark-furred weasels with large eyes and rounded ears. Though they were once a race of warriors, their days of martial supremacy have faded into history. Since their arrival on Solitude, the eyra have been confronted time and again by larger, stronger races such as elves, siska, and humans. They have adapted to this by using their sharp minds to their advantage. Eyra are able to learn and understand complex ideas faster than any other race on Solitude. This gives them a huge advantage in many areas such practicing arcane magic, academics, and even picking up on social cues. Eyra are also known for their dexterity and detailed craftsmanship. Their “gadgets” – complex pieces of machinery that come in a variety of forms and uses – are known throughout the world.

Amongst other races, eyra are usually considered to be charming and agreeable, though many are wary of their quick fingers and scheming minds. In their own society however, eyra can be cold and uncompromising. This is a symptom of most eyra cultures being strictly meritocratic; those who succeed in whatever profession they choose are richly rewarded, while those who don’t are shunned and forgotten.  

Eyra can be found at either end of the moral spectrum, though most are smart (or jaded) enough to see the world in shades of grey. They are a results driven races and prefer to use subtle tactics to get what they want, which is usually a silky furred mate and the highest possible social status.


Eyra Sub-races


